“…Idaho’s Education System allows many freedoms for families to do what works best for them. If you choose to send your kids to public schools that’s great. If you choose to homeschool your kids that's great too. If you’ve found a private school that you would like your children to attend, good for you. There is a debate in the capital though about whether or not your tax dollars should help pay for homeschooling/Private schools. This would take away those freedoms that families enjoy!  In homeschooling and private schooling parents have the choice on which curriculum to use for their children, but if we start spending tax dollars on these things, the government would inevitably have to step in and regulate these options. Parents that choose to send their children to public school want more money in the classroom and individual school districts. I am a proud Soda Springs Cardinal. I had many great teachers throughout the years and great coaches who taught me that hard work pays off, however in our district the high school is especially in need of many updates or better yet a new building all together while our elementary school is bursting at the seams due to student growth. I believe it is a continuational and moral obligation to adequately fund public education. Parents who choose Homeschool or Private school want their options to choose from, so why debate things that would negatively impact both parties?”

-Joseph Messerly